FAQs - Payment

Most frequent questions and answers

We accept Bank transfer T/T, Western Union, Money Gram and Paypal as payment options.
The price on some goods is not shown. In such event, you may send us request through contact data asking for commodities cost and we will let you know its price and requisitions of payment method, suitable for you. We remind that there is only 100% prepayment on all types of payment. We do not send goods in credit, on 50% prepayment or cash on delivery.

Can I pay order not using banking transfer? Pay by other method?

Sure, you can, just write to us and we will answer to you, explaining how you can do that.

Certainly, we can. Please, contact us and we will let you know details.

Yes, you can pay according to the exchange rate on date of the order registration.

The term of the order process is about 1-2 days after funds arrival.

Sometimes it happens that money withdrew from your account, but long not getting to our account. Usually, the payment term passing from 2 to 3 working banking days because of there are banks mediators between your and our bank. If for that time we have not got funds, then please apply for explanations in bank, where you did transferring.

Yes, sure. In the same way, we ask you to send us the copies to our e-mail or by Skype. Let us know also your delivery address and telephone number as well.

“Western Union” and “Moneygram” are very suitable and instant transfers. The funds are gettiing to receiver ar once, accordingly, the order processing term is decreased. The given types of transfer there are in any bank practically and not require the opening of account. After realization given transfer, you should inform us controlling number of the transfer (MTCN), amount, name and surname, city and country of sender. It’s advisable immediately let us know your address for delivery and telephone number too.

We are sorry, we do not return money back. This is connected with very complicated mechanism of refund. So, make sure that you really need this product.

FAQs - Products

Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, we think so, but it depends on country and its law. We preferably try not selling illegal goods. However, it is not excluded the possibility that you may have a problems with authority because of their preconceived attitude to you or because of studies, which they conducted, for instance, on outdated spectrum device.

Don’t ask us to sell you anything illegal. We can’t help you in this matter or somehow promote execution of your request.

In many countries of the world no have practice to accept some stuffs as analogs and no have legislation forbidden them. You should be aware of this.

Exclusively for research chemicals goal. Our products cannot be used by not experienced people in chemical sphere. Please, remember about that.

We are sorry, we can’t send you free sample. But we offer you to buy the small quantity at us as sample on reasonable and affordable price, this will allow to you make the necessary study and chemical research. Usually, the minimum order is 50-100 grams (one product) up to the demanded stuff but also we can supply 10g sample sometimes. This is our company rule, please understand it and don’t waste our time asking send you 0,5g, 1g or 5g sample. If you order 50g of one product then we can enclose small free samples of other several goods inside of parcel.

We can let you know price on inquiry by email or trough Skype, MSN.

We represent discounts solely from already the paid orders, taken into account history of your orders. We don’t give discounts just because you promise to order big quantity order in the future.

Also, our wholesale prices already have the discounts. As more quantity you order then you get more % discount.

We can give you discount but if you make really voluminous order.

If you don’t see interesting you compounds on our website, then it means we are not selling them.

However we welcome any offers if you want to buy something, not available at our website. We can search it for you in China or Thailand. Also we do Custom Synthesis. Certainly, product must be legal on territory of your country.

Sure, we can. Just look at some section calling Custom Synthesis at our website and you will find there list of RC products which we can prepare for you. Actually, we can produce over 500 chemical names.

The quality of our product accords to all European standards, goods are certified and tested by a lot of customers from different countries within 2 years which we are in the market.

FAQs - Clients Data

Most frequent questions and answers

Your registration confirmation can come to your email not immediately, but through 10-15 minutes. Twice check that you have indicated the correct address of your email it is. In the same way, you check please, aren’t our letter found in Spam-box or Removed. In any case, use Gmail or other more reliable service of letters reception.

We only save data connected with your order. We never will sell or reveal them to whomever.

Certainly we can, just send us request and we immediately will delete whole information about you, including any orders detail.

Our favorite questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Do you really think that this is a wise decision to ask seller that is he going to steal your money? We receive similar questions at least once per week. It’s curious enough that part of these questions come after client had been paid the order. Finally, we can give you tracking number on which we sent you cargo.

You certainly can be sure that we will supply goods to you accordingly to your order. We work honestly, openly, on prospect expanding of market, attracting the stable regular customers and maintenance of reputation. As it is spoken: “Reputation – more expensive than money”.

The single deals interest us least of all. We need real constant customers. Having satisfied your needs for the first order, we hope that you will return and make more weighty order in assortment of products and greater amount, having become permanent our buyer.

We don’t accept the unfounded statements. Please make the necessary study or test and hereinafter we will be able to consider your claim.

Look! If you will be able correctly to guess your e-address, then you will get the report on password change. We are surprised how often people ask us about that. Please, do not ask us to say you your address of e-mail, you should understand that you are asking us to give you the details of confidential personal information which we can’t reveal to anyone.

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