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Salidroside has various functions such as improving immunity, strengthening physical fitness, improving human hematopoietic function, anti-hypoxia, anti-aging, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue, lowering blood sugar, anti-virus, anti-radiation, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and preventing altitude sickness.

5G 10G 20G 50G 100G 200G 500G 1KG


Product Information:

Name: Salidroside
CAS No.:10338-51-9
Molecular Formula:C14H20O7
Molecular Weight:300.3
Appearance:Light brownish red to white crystalline powder

1. Anti-fatigue effect: Oral administration of Rhodiola angustifolia mice increases pole climbing time, swimming time and load swimming time. It can shorten the time required for recovery after fatigue, increase the levels of enzymes, RNA and protein, so that the muscles can recover as soon as possible after fatigue.

2. Effects on central nervous media: Rhodiola can normalize the serotonin content of mice under swimming conditions, that is, the central nervous media content of the dunes that have been separated from normal is corrected or reaches a normal level. Mice injection of salidroside (30-300mg/kg) can reduce the level of serotonin.

3. Anti-hypoxia effect: oral administration of Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiola angustifolia, and Rhodiola crimson extracts can make experimental animals show obvious antagonism to various hypoxia modes, and its effect is stronger than ginseng and acanthopanax.

4. Anti-aging effect: The alcohol extract of Rhodiola rosea can increase the activity of red blood cells and liver SOD in rats, and has a tendency to increase the activity of myocardial SChemicalbookOD. Red wild flax flies drinking Rhodiola rosea extract can significantly prolong their lifespan, and their life extension rate is better than that of ginseng. Rhodiola can promote the proliferation of 2BS cells and reduce the death rate. It can inhibit the lipid peroxide of rat cells and enhance the activity of serum superoxide dismutase.

5. Anti-tumor: Rhodiola rosea does have a certain inhibitory effect on S180 cells. In the range of non-toxic side doses, this effect will increase with the increase of concentration. Continuous oral administration of Rhodiola rosea extract can reduce the carcinogenic damage to the small intestinal wall of mice by erythromycin and improve the body’s anti-cancer ability.

6. Detoxification effect: Salidroside has the effect of antagonizing strychnine poisoning, and can increase the survival rate of mice after strychnine poisoning by 50%; it also has the effect of antagonizing coryneform toxins, and can fight against tetanus and other various types. Bacterial toxins increase the survival time or survival rate of mice taking strong poisons, sodium cyanide, and sodium nitrite.


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